Instinct Safaris Limited i Kampala

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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UgandaInstinct Safaris Limited



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5, Lower Kololo Terrace Road, Kampala, Kampala, UG Uganda
kontakter telefon: +41 78 830 02 39
internet side:
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Latitude: 0.3262993, Longitude: 32.5887665

kommentar 3

  • Niels Sievertsen

    Niels Sievertsen


    The company has grown significantly over the years. From day hikes in the Bwindi rain forest and around it, private tours throughout Uganda, Rwanda, and Congo were established. Numerous services not available with other operators have been implemented, including unlimited internet during safari trips, GPS tracking, local markets and cooking classes. Even homestay overnights are possible!

  • Robert Kamya

    Robert Kamya


    The place is good

  • Michelle Wong

    Michelle Wong


    Exceptional customer service and highly knowledgeable and experienced staff. We'd been considering going through a larger company, but figured we'd also check out some smaller ones, including Instincts Safaris. We requested a quote and received a reply within a day from the co-founder Niels. He personally worked with us to customize our safari and make all the arrangements for our trip efficiently and thoroughly. Our guide Rabani was very pleasant and knowledgeable of the region. We were really looking forward to the gorilla hike, and it surpassed our expectations. The hike did take four hours and was quite rainy (and muddy), but we were able to gather some amazing sights that made it worth the while. Accommodations were comfortable, especially refreshing after being outside all day. It was a wonderful trip, and I'd certainly choose them again!

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