Jakaranda coffee and fine dining i Masindi

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UgandaJakaranda coffee and fine dining



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Kampala-Masindi, Masindi, Masindi, UG Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 39 3242296
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Latitude: 1.6829499, Longitude: 31.7230616

kommentar 5

  • Elena Vasyatkina

    Elena Vasyatkina


    Nice, comfortable place with tasty food. Very friendly and attentive staff. Big portions.

  • Marc Wajnsztok

    Marc Wajnsztok


    You stop in Massindi : Jacaranda is your place, good food nice staff only "critique" : lack of pre org with food, so take a book, you ll have to wait a bit before you break the hunger

  • Pros K

    Pros K


    Worst customer service. We have just been there today evening (29.12.22) and the shorter lady we found there has to be one of the worst waitresses I've ever encountered. So rude, I literally called her and she passed by! Then when we were ordering, we asked for recommendations on the menu, she literally left our table, no explanation... and went to another table! After payment, she took it.. no thank you.. nothing, just walked off!! Soooo rude!! Super rude. If this is your business, its good food, the place is nice, I just hope these few people don't spoil your business with some customers not coming back.

  • Marek Musial (Marek)

    Marek Musial (Marek)


    The best about this place is coffee, the best in Masindi. In case you miss good coffee the place is for you! Staff is also great here. My recommendation in Masindi.

  • John McCaffrey

    John McCaffrey


    This place is absolutely Amazing. Everything here was truly exceptional. Great atmosphere and decor, amazing service, and the food and coffee was phenomenal. I was here as an American tourist visiting a friend -- and this cafe would rival with any fine dining cafe in America. Masindi is an amazing town -- but this place is such a Gem -- it has to be one of the best cafes in all of Uganda. Everything is served in such an artistic way too with focus on presentation. This place is Amazing.

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