Kampala Veterinary Surgery i Kampala

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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UgandaKampala Veterinary Surgery


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Plot 1249 / P.O Box 37111, Kampala, Kampala, UG Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 774 424293
internet side: www.kampalavets.org
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Latitude: 0.3204774, Longitude: 32.6359445

kommentar 5

  • Melany Markham

    Melany Markham


    I have a dog from the USPCA and these vets were wonderful. She is a difficult dog, but all of the vets took great care of her. They microchipped her, got a rabies titration test and compiled all of the documentation so that her relocation to Denmark was easy. They do housecalls also. I can't recommend them enough.

  • Jesse Kironde

    Jesse Kironde


    Their vet is very clea customer service is on point and they have reasonable prices

  • Peter Huisman

    Peter Huisman


    Great vet. They have a decent clinic and do house calls. Have been here several times with my German Shepherd cross and never disappointed. They have a nice crew and genuinely like the pets that are brought in.

  • Vance Brown

    Vance Brown


    Berna and Olivia were very knowledgeable and supportive for our 9 yr Pitbull that was attacked by stray dogs. They are the utmost professionals and are highly recommended.

  • John Cleverley

    John Cleverley


    This is a trusted clinic that was recommended to me by a British vet who trains other vets. I have taken my sick dog there a few times and they have a good way with the animals and know what they are doing. Communication could be better and the 'top vet' is a bit elusive at times, but I'm happy with the care my dog gets. Nowhere near as expensive as vets in the UK, but make sure you have cash in your account if your pet is ill - you're going to need it!

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