Kawempe Division Offices i Kampala

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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UgandaKawempe Division Offices


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Kampala, Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256
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Latitude: 0.3534646, Longitude: 32.5603223

kommentar 5

  • Guide Ug

    Guide Ug


    The street pole adverts for Rock Boom on Tula road are hurting the public. Hope it will be rectified soon. People are going to be injured if not lifted n fixed at a height

  • Magero Makka

    Magero Makka


    Its a fine place

  • Kyeyune Isaac

    Kyeyune Isaac


    This place Uganda Govt have failed to manage the place Ugandan have go though hard ways to be administered and poor service U stand and sit move around looking for someone to help u here service are for free but U must pay inorder to be given forms to fill in your details after that then U go with them home if U do not pay if U paid there is no assurance of the service officer s lucky knowledge ment on verything and if U send your wife she has to give sex to gat the service very very poor service s

  • Flavia Zabali Musisi

    Flavia Zabali Musisi


    Good client care, limited parking

  • kenn byansi

    kenn byansi


    Directions are so exact. Thanks

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