L'Epicurien i Kampala

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Windsor Crescent, Kampala, Kampala, UG Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 705 079381
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Latitude: 0.3319261, Longitude: 32.5864311

kommentar 5

  • Mugiraneza Richard

    Mugiraneza Richard


    A nice restaurant in South Kololo

  • Phoebe Batchelor

    Phoebe Batchelor


    Some of the most amazing food I've had in Kampala, French chef. Great atmosphere - outside and inside seating. Amazing lunch deal during weekdays (set menu).

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    Renny D


    Didn't like it. As soon as we arrived the security searched our bags and threw away an empty bottle of water that I use to refill and carry with me. They also wanted to keep a couple of small bottles of tonic water. A bit oppressive and set the tone badly. We sat at a couple of sofasnear the bar. The place was empty at 7pm except for 1 guy in a corner doing business calls on his phone. Drinks came swiftly along with menus. Then we were asked 4 times within 10 minutes if we were ready to order. The menu was overpriced and very French. Frogs legs and snails available among other francophile staples. We decided to move on and asked for the bill. The waitress came back with an offer that the kebabs were 50% off, that for some reason she failed to tell us earlier. They came in beef, pork or chicken, described as "Giant skewers, flambé BBQ sauce with baked jacket potato with chives cream" even at half price for 21.5k ugx did not appeal. We had a pleasant 7 minute evening stroll around the corner to Mediterraneo, where we were immediately made to feel at home, a far cry from the oppressive and overbearing atmosphere of L'Epicurean we had left behind. No wonder it was empty.

  • Yvonne Zabu

    Yvonne Zabu


    A perfect example of francophone cuisine. The best steaks in Kampala!

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    Kadumukasa Kironde II


    We ordered for the oso bucco and it was perfect. I would recommend it any day. The coffee was bad news but the chocolate dessert was superb.

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