Luxor Bar And Grill i Mbarara

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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UgandaLuxor Bar And Grill



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Rwebikona, Mbarara, Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 709 759705
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Latitude: -0.6153809, Longitude: 30.6424088

kommentar 5

  • Jeremiah Kasewu

    Jeremiah Kasewu


    It has a good out door grill and din area Has good waiters and security is good Working personnel are smart and handle themselves appropriately Prices are relative and driendly It has a VIP section that is comfy with that executive touch

  • caesar odongo

    caesar odongo


    The hygiene is ok though the customer care was a little wanting. The workers give more attention to their frequent customers known to them and tend to ignore the new comers.




    A fun loving person whether international or local should really check in at luxor bar. I love the choice of music, Food and coffee ☕.

  • Stella Nanyonjo

    Stella Nanyonjo


    Newest kid on the pub block in Mbarara. Best chef (Issa) in town. Fantastic DJ (Titus). Try the draught beers served in a jug.

  • Brandon Stanley McCall

    Brandon Stanley McCall


    It's the best place to be. The experience was truly amazing. The food was nice and the entire place was very cozy. I'd definitely go back.

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