Main Library i Kampala

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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UgandaMain Library



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Makerere University Business School, Kampala, Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 0.3293574, Longitude: 32.6161659

kommentar 5

  • Musanje Kevo

    Musanje Kevo


    Very cool reading place

  • Liz Niyigaba

    Liz Niyigaba


  • isaiah ngabirano

    isaiah ngabirano


    Convenient learning environment for the students and what a state of the art structure

  • georvine vitalis

    georvine vitalis


    Makerere University Business School main library. Fancy structure and well erected building for reading in it's calm and quiet environment. Researching of different kind are enhanced with free wifi and computer laboratory plus facilitators to help when you stumble. The structure is regularly renovated to provide the very conducive environment for students and their studies or reading. Additional outside seats give a nice space to discussion groups which is the key element for team work. The green environment surrounding the building plus the flowers are astonishing. Lastly the library has all kind of books available to students only upon presenting your student ID.

  • sanya kenneth

    sanya kenneth


    its good though one might get lost if not guided through besides some offices and rooms in it do not have labels to indicate what they really contain

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