Mamikki Restaurant and Bar i Tororo

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UgandaMamikki Restaurant and Bar



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Osia Rd Tororo, M5PG+5PV, Tororo, Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 41 4671899
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 0.685488, Longitude: 34.1767906

kommentar 5

  • John Clift

    John Clift


    This is probably the nicest restaurant / guesthouse in Tororo. They have a first rate buffet every day with all the local dishes. The chicken in broth is yummy. Go for the food, enjoy the extensive plantings and landscape with Tororo Rock towering over you

  • Wakida Emmanuel Chamberz

    Wakida Emmanuel Chamberz


    A home away from home, serene environment and far from the hustle and bustle of town. Service is great, don't leave without visiting the annex

  • Hyuha Kenneth

    Hyuha Kenneth


    It really has a nice view for the rock

  • Solomon Basekateenyi ATUGONZA

    Solomon Basekateenyi ATUGONZA


    Lovely nice place. Good for families outings

  • Kahuju mikedadie muhindo

    Kahuju mikedadie muhindo


    Did not know nature and professionalism can pamper and refresh already worn out minds........but Mamikki hotel apartments has the challenge! Spectacular view of Tororo rock, well planned and selected variety of flower gardens that ushers you with fresh airs! Perfect smile of reception, calm, caring and daring communicative staff to memorable great meals from their restaurant......and now....a spacious and fully furnished unit with the best accommodation so far experienced. Great job.

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