Maple Leaf Hotel i Masaka

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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UgandaMaple Leaf Hotel



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Circular Road Street, MP7Q+RX, Masaka, Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 200 901190
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Latitude: -0.3354161, Longitude: 31.739905

kommentar 5

  • Christine Matovu

    Christine Matovu


    Good place and very accessible. Maintenance issues in the room that seemed overlooked and compromised the quality of the room e.g the bathtub was falling apart, broken rubbish bins etc




    Great hotel rooms and cool environment, Thanks for your WiFi too

  • Trudy



    The hotel is still new and rooms are clean with great fittings However, some are a bit small which could limit your time indoors. The garden is neat though a bit small. On a good note, sleep looking foward to their great breakfast

  • katunzi ajuss

    katunzi ajuss


    Rooms : excellent Service : excellent Location :: direct Everything best someone looking for is available .

  • Perpetuah Maithya

    Perpetuah Maithya


    The rooms are spacious and comfortable beds. The shower head isn't the best as per the bathroom setup. Food is okay nothing special. Couldn't sleep due to loud music from the neighborhood the entire night.

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