Moti Mahal Bar & Restaurant i Jinja

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UgandaMoti Mahal Bar & Restaurant



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46, Iganga Road, Jinja, Jinja, UG Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 757 879048
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Latitude: 0.4289691, Longitude: 33.2105953

kommentar 5

  • P. Combreau

    P. Combreau


    Don't expect real indian cuisine. The service is really nice but the food is frankly bad. Even the sauces are not the ones you would find in india.

  • Suubi Reagan

    Suubi Reagan


    The food, services, and atmosphere are all excellent. It's one of my biggest recommendation in Jinja city.

  • Joseph Lutalo Willrich

    Joseph Lutalo Willrich


    Went in during the evening. Interesting crowd, mostly white and asian but it felt quite welcoming ;) Loved drinking out of metallic chalices outside of a temple! Yes, they burnt me a candle. Haha cool spot.

  • CA Smit Shah

    CA Smit Shah


    In jinja the place not so much restaurants are providing authentic Indian food with so wide varieties and Moti Mahal and Yellow chilli are one of those. The interior of moti Mahal was good. Varieties provided are awesome. They have different menu for Indian food drinks etc. Even I got Jain food here with so yummy taste..

  • lucy Im

    lucy Im


    I love curry here. You'll definitely like it if you try it. It is one of the restaurants where many foreigners visit. I'll add it. I went there often because I liked curry here. Why didn't you give me snacks (I don't know this name) as an appetizer? Why didn't you give me ice cream for dessert? The other tables had them. They seemed to want me to go quickly and I felt this was discrimination. I gave five stars at first, but I'll take them back.

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