Musana Sol View Restaurant & Bar i Iganga

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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UgandaMusana Sol View Restaurant & Bar



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JF8H+887, Iganga, Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256
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Latitude: 0.6157955, Longitude: 33.4782882

kommentar 5

  • John Paul Muvunyi

    John Paul Muvunyi


    Awesome place to grab a bite and a drink, very yummy pizza & fantamaglorious coffee 🥰😍

  • Ivan Waiswa

    Ivan Waiswa


    This place was renovated and revanished and now it's at its best standard. Good service.

  • Jahangir Babar

    Jahangir Babar


    Iganga is basically business hub after Jinja in east Uganda. The town is little dirty and noisy because of heavy traffic coming from Kenya. In such an environment, Sol view is a good place to eat and drink. Staff response is good, place is need and clean. There are pool tables for some indoor fun. They serve some good samosas too. You can have pizza, coffee and fish with some local dishes.

  • Adson Manseni

    Adson Manseni


    Food and relaxation is my thing and I love to say in cool places which provide the best services at my table,. But hugging out with people in these places is the best so all people so join and just go have fun relax and let there minds refresh.

  • benjamin mukose

    benjamin mukose


    You should try installing the wifi please and maybe add on some glasses at the restaurant

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