Nellions Moving and Relocations Ltd, Kampala Uganda i Kampala

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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UgandaNellions Moving and Relocations Ltd, Kampala Uganda



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Ntinda Complex, Kampala, Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 783 294229
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Latitude: 0.3531879, Longitude: 32.6150553

kommentar 5

  • Antony Mwangi

    Antony Mwangi


    They arrived bright and early to my house and made the whole experience of moving pretty much hassle free. They professionally packed,loaded for transit and thereof offloaded my items to the new apartment with almost nil supervision. Upon arrival at my new apartment, they rearranged everything accordingly to include fixing my calendar to the wall!!! Highly recommended team under Mr. Innocent Kunusia stewardship.

  • Ashington Makau

    Ashington Makau


    A time conscious and responsive Team with high integrity and professionalism. All in all a very well managed operation offering value for money moving services. We were quite happy with their services and recommend them for anyone looking to relocate.

  • sheba muloni

    sheba muloni


    They are extremely professional and very organised. They came on time and were very cautious. The best moving service in Uganda

  • Isaac Thabo

    Isaac Thabo


    The team was respectful and went about their work diligently. Clarity on how pricing is done for a move would be helpful. I would absolutely recommend using their services.

  • Don Zane Muwanguzi

    Don Zane Muwanguzi


    Great handling of stuff and professional service and personal, very smart and time cautious. Very things was delivered in good condition as it was found. Thank you so much. Hope to work you again sometime

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