Nile Village Hotel & Spa i Jinja

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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UgandaNile Village Hotel & Spa



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48/49, Kiira Road, Jinja, Jinja, UG Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 43 4120879
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Latitude: 0.4393452, Longitude: 33.1957859

kommentar 5

  • Mutwalubi Balitewo

    Mutwalubi Balitewo


    The place has good environment,privacy, security, customer etc




    I loved the great ambiance of the place. It's calm and executive for those that love places not infested with many young boys where you lack privacy this is a great place for you I loved the whole fish meal special it was very tasty and the pizza was also remarkably delicious. Generally their meals are tasty and they have great customer service you may feel like a king haha I know that's overrated.They also have ample space for parking and security is readily available.

  • Tiambi Walker

    Tiambi Walker


    This was our first trip to Uganda as well as Mission for the City of Jinja. The first room was extremely hot for 2 days, and I finally had to be intentional with what I needed done. They moved us and the shower in there spray out evenly but we could deal with that for a 3 days. The cleaning staff was EXCEPTIONAL. Breakfast had a limited variety and to purchase dinner was quite challenging. I'm not sure if they can't handle our size group because we waited 1.5 to 3 hours for food that was not right at most times and they didn't seem to know what foods items they had although the menu never changed. Very disappointing. The pool and bar area was very nice and great to hang out throughout the evening after the Mission work. Didn't get to use the pool or gym due to timing but looks very welcoming for trip back if we return.

  • 김민섭



    The hotel is fine. However, the facilities are not clean and are mostly old. The attitude of hotel staffs are good and the food was delicious.

  • Husna Kaitesi

    Husna Kaitesi


    Imagine booking a hotel for a group trip(30 rooms) two months before and get to the hotel on the date and the staff unapologetically telling u there are no rooms. On top of that you see white peoples checking in with cash(while we are stack waiting for our refund or explanation ) and all the manager could tell us was to understand the situation and go to a hotel of their choice( we had paid for accommodation and meals). 1 months in advance, really?

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