Noah's Ark Campsite & Restaurant i Fort Portal

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UgandaNoah's Ark Campsite & Restaurant



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Lake Nyinambuga, Fort Portal, Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 777 293248
internet side:
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Latitude: 0.4808419, Longitude: 30.2858224

kommentar 5

  • Hiske Doornekamp

    Hiske Doornekamp


    100% recommended!! Noah and his family are extremely hospitable and warm people who made me feel so welcome. You camp (either with your own equipment or Noah arranges a tent/mattress etc for you) with an AMAZING view over the Rwenzoris. They serve great Ugandan food and have super lovely staff. Noah is also an excellent tour guide who has a lot of knowledge, has a good sense of humour, and can help you out with arranging tours (in my case canoeing, a visit to the Chimps in Kibale National Park, and a walk to visit the waterfall and 7 of the crater lakes). Again, I would recommend each and everyone to contact Noah if you are looking for an authentic and well-organized stay in the crater lake area.

  • Ghis sie

    Ghis sie


    Noah was a great guide during our motortour of the Crater Lakes! We enjoyed the views and stories of many Crater Lakes and learned a lot about the local culture (language, food, habits). We also visited Noah’s Arc for a local lunch which was delicious!

  • Eva Henrich

    Eva Henrich


    Had the most amazing lunch prepared with love and passion and enjoyed with the most beautiful view. Thank you to the kindest host. Congratulations on your wonderful restaurant.

  • Sylvia Braun

    Sylvia Braun


    What a lovely place! Very tasty food,, such a very warm welcome, great views! Highly recommend!

  • Erik Marell

    Erik Marell


    We had a tour around the Crater lakes with a bodaboda and had lunch here. The views at this place are simply amazing and you could easily sit here all day long. There was also a campsite here, so for the views that is an ideal spot as well. We chose for some local Dishes and it tasted great, so if you enjoy a good local meal then I would go for that. And last but not least the owners of this place were so nice!

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