Police GIS Unit Office, CPS Kampala i Kampala

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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UgandaPolice GIS Unit Office, CPS Kampala


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Buganda Road, Kampala, Kampala, UG Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 717 812500
internet side: www.upf.go.ug
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 0.3158866, Longitude: 32.5782465

kommentar 5

  • Lukonge Samuel

    Lukonge Samuel


    Contacts u gave us are free of charge we call freelyif possible dat good!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Kabs M

    Kabs M


    Guys be good and dont find your self inside cells here. Its horrible as per the people who i have interacted with. The handling of people here is below human dignity and sad. The officers here are ruthless and have no basic human handling skills, the just order, bark, push you around. The toilets are horrible and its very miserable. Make sure that u don't find your self in the police cells here.

  • Go Uganda

    Go Uganda


    Central police station in Kampala

  • Jacinta Ndagire

    Jacinta Ndagire


    Its a central police station for Uganda in city centre,alot of abandoned cars around it,we wish the police get another place to put those old cars, the place is really not clean enough.

  • Kato jim

    Kato jim


    Its a very busy police station with various police cases.

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