Prudi's Corner pizzeria and Ethiopian restaurant i Jinja

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UgandaPrudi's Corner pizzeria and Ethiopian restaurant



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230d, Kiira Road, Jinja, Jinja, UG Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 759 338216
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Latitude: 0.4310933, Longitude: 33.198445

kommentar 5

  • Rob stewart

    Rob stewart


    6 of us went for pizza, the pizza was incredible and the service was good. There was a slight lack of beer and the pizzas took a long time which were the only real downsides

  • Florence adikini

    Florence adikini


    Everything Was on point, excellent services, the place is so cool! ooh the Goats meat was wow, can't wait to come back to jinja to taste more of the nice dishes on the menu.

  • Mubezi Natasha

    Mubezi Natasha


    The meals are just the best have ever had , jimbo mix 😋😘, we tried out the Ethiopian dishe , it was unblievably delicious, try out your self. The place is very calm with lovely people.

  • Robin Jonk

    Robin Jonk


    Had a great vegan platter, highly recommend it!

  • Maître Courgette Bio

    Maître Courgette Bio


    Very nice Ethiopian restaurant with real injera. I tried a mango milkshake : delicious !!! Negative points : - No Ethiopian coffee, they asked me to come back the day after. I went back a second time. Still no coffee… - The place needs to be reorganised, the arrangement of the spaces is not very clear. But anyway, the food is excellent. I recommend everyone to come, to try the food (not only ethiopian dishes)

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