Quick Pick Supermarket Bulindo i Bulindo

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UgandaQuick Pick Supermarket Bulindo



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Kira Bulindo Road, Bulindo, Wakiso, UG Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 755 033445
internet side: www.quickpicksupermarkets.com
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Latitude: 0.408692, Longitude: 32.6424369

kommentar 5

  • Samuel Baguma

    Samuel Baguma


    Loved their place, especially the Oak restaurant bit, very good for dine-and-work-discuss. Loved their Pizza that is delivered to your take without waiting so much, their tea is great and you don't have to worry about parking, it's in plenty and very secure

  • Mulamya Brian

    Mulamya Brian


    Here, shopping is very easy, self service grows on everyday, modrate price at different products. A variety of stock in large quantity. Delivery is provided here. Shopping is so faster because there's no line, fast come fast serve. Quick Pick Supermarket located at Mulawa along Kira-Bulindo rd.

  • Papu Bhamra

    Papu Bhamra


    I am regular customer and ibra the chef had been serving us today decided to go there and ve dinner there ,I ordered chicken soup and Thai food for my wife ,hence they brought the food seeing that the Thai food was ok but the chicken soup was pathetic just water and then mixed raw onions, and carrot more over the viscosity of the soup and smell was more of onions, then the manager comes and tells us that was clear chicken soup I asked him did you check your menu it says chicken soup after which he took the soap I told him as I was hungry that I would share the food of my Mrs which I did after which when we were done he brings the soup I asked him that didn't I ask you that I don't need it and just kept quiet and when the bill was brought they had charged me 22,000 for that I asked him and he said he has to charge it,any ways was disappointed with the attitude and just paid and went away with a bitter taste the amount is not much ,even the other weak I ordered a 3 egg omelet and charge me 36,000 and lidiya said sorry and adjusted it ,but the manager should know that he has lost a customer from today I ve been ordering food almost every week from there sorry for the badd remarks but that's it

  • Ssenyonga Luganda Apollo

    Ssenyonga Luganda Apollo


    This Supermarket is well stocked, no empty shelves and the customer service is top notch. It will be even better if they can avail more parking space. The one available is too small for the size of the business' clientele

  • Bookiva Uganda

    Bookiva Uganda


    Being located on the main, next to a petrol station, clean toilets n spacious parking.

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