Reptile village in Entebbe i Entebbe

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UgandaReptile village in Entebbe



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Entebbe, Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 782 349583
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Latitude: 0.1050386, Longitude: 32.4742499

kommentar 5

  • Jumba Yusuf Robyn

    Jumba Yusuf Robyn


    U can get too close to the most dangerous reptiles on earth if u fancy game. Very natural ambiance.

  • alex king

    alex king


    Variety of reptiles are available.. And management is very good

  • ellen seys

    ellen seys


    From the outside it doesnt look impressive but when you take a guide it really makes for a fun and cool experience. You can hold a tortoise and see cobras attack.

  • en

    jon ouel


    Community project. Locally administered. They rescue those reptiles from the communities in Uganda. The guide is knowledgeable so it makes it more interesting. There are snakes, chameleons, nile monitor lizards, crocodiles and turtles. The tour is about 1 hour. The roads to get there are rough, better to use a 4×4, a bicycle or boda-boda.

  • Mahbub Alam

    Mahbub Alam


    Not so big, but enjoyable. Crocodiles, snakes and many other species available. Not so well maintained. The guide is quite good, friendly and knowledgeable.

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