Ridar Hotel i Seeta

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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UgandaRidar Hotel



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Namilyango Road, Seeta, Mukono, UG Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 702 290697
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Latitude: 0.3667379, Longitude: 32.7143105

kommentar 5

  • Nickson Ralph Barahukwa

    Nickson Ralph Barahukwa


    Great location, easy to get in and out of the city. The staff was wonderful. The hotel is well maintained and is famous for workshops due to its affordability in terms of both food and accommodation.

  • Kemiyondo Honestie

    Kemiyondo Honestie


    I loved it.i had a 5-day workshop there and their food was great and served on time.They have a pool side where u can relax after a long day of work.i had a great experience

  • Trevor Atuhairwe

    Trevor Atuhairwe


    The service is good. But the facility pathways and staircase to some of the Conference Halls was so disappointing and exhausting.

  • Joseph Katongole

    Joseph Katongole


    1.Customer care, the meals and Room service all score at 90% each. 2. Wi-Fi, the poorest I have ever experienced, 5% score! Try make a random survey from your hotel residents the problem might be your service provider.

  • Prophet Jesus Ramos

    Prophet Jesus Ramos


    Great place to stay in Seeta. Rooms are very nice and very clean. Breakfast was delicious. A bit pricey for me but you get what you pay for!

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