SAS CLINIC i Kampala

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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76, Bombo Road, Kampala, Kampala, UG Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 41 4345325
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Latitude: 0.3193028, Longitude: 32.5738544

kommentar 5

  • Donald Junior

    Donald Junior


    Am not sure what the fuss is about this place but 1: its location sucks and receptionists are always gossiping, hard to find space to be addressed. 2: Receptionists never know when doctors are coming in and aren't so professional except for one lady. 3: They keep patients waiting in a long queue 4: Never make an appointment because I made one to a cardiologist for 4pm and it clocked 5pm, thats when he called them and let them know he won't be coming in. I would rather get in touch with a doctor and find out where he is going to be. The also clearly don't care about their online reputation.

  • Kato jim

    Kato jim


    Its a nice clinic with good medical services .

  • Mboowa Martin

    Mboowa Martin


    Really the ladies at the reception have poor customer care. I mean its not a clinic that offers treatment for free yet those funny looking women make it look like you are pleading with them for free healthcare.Ever gossiping and rude

  • Okello paul adrian

    Okello paul adrian


    The ladies at the reception, ever gossiping about their pregnancies and so on and dont really care much about clients. I went there around 11am, they told me the doctor I needed would be in between 1-3pm, so I went and came back at 2pm, they kept telling me the doctor was coming. When it was coming to 4pm after waiting that long, they told me the doctor was not coming and I had to was so annoying and yet I was in pain. I was not going to get free medical service from there, I was going to pay for it. So I wonder why I was treated in that way.

  • Pros K

    Pros K


    I went for a 3D ultrasound. I saw sonographer Mr Juuko & he immediately made me feel at ease. He explained things step by step, in language I understood. Some doctors use doctor terms not understood easily, but he was very clear in explaining. I had done scans in UK before coming to SAS for an emergency while on holiday, and the service was much better than I had got before. Mr Juuko is a credit to SAS.

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