Seka Super market i Central Region

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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UgandaSeka Super market



🕗 åbningstider

Gayaza -Kampala Road, Wakiso, Central Region, UG Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 754 762853
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Latitude: 0.4184067, Longitude: 32.5967032

kommentar 5

  • Emmanuel okware

    Emmanuel okware


    Come this super market and enjoy the beauty in Uganda with best price

  • Last Yahya

    Last Yahya


    It's a good place with great customer services

  • Jjuuko George William

    Jjuuko George William


    It is one of the best supermarkets along Gayaza road. It has all the necessities that you may need to purchase. When traveling along that road, you may not need to carry many things and be sure that you will can find most of the things there.

  • Peter Nsiimire

    Peter Nsiimire


    One of the famous supermarkets in Lutete commonly know as Kumunaana. The supermarket is along Gayaza Road from Kampala, accessible and has parking space for customers. They have quality products here at very friendly prices. Best offers 👌 with good customer care and customer service 👌 domestic supplies available here. Good Good Good 👍

  • Patrick Kibirango Senior

    Patrick Kibirango Senior


    Cool and stocked, goods and services needed are available at your own will. The customer care satisfaction is excellent because they take time to attend to everyone with ease. Keep the spirit up

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