Shri Sanatan Dharma Mandal Temple i Kampala

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UgandaShri Sanatan Dharma Mandal Temple



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10, Snay Bin Amir Rise, Kampala, Kampala, UG Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 41 4256036
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Latitude: 0.3105155, Longitude: 32.5787918

kommentar 5

  • gajula ramu

    gajula ramu


    I have been going to this temple for the last 8 years

  • Sai Parate

    Sai Parate


    Hindu temple in Uganda hosting many prayers and festivals. Great place to visit and among heritage sites in the country. Located in the middle of the town is a beautiful temple with many worshippers visiting each day. Most famous event held is the Hanuman chalisa on every Saturday. Very peaceful place and amazing interior views. Fabulous place to pray.

  • Narayan G

    Narayan G


    Good hindu temple in uganda

  • Balasubramanian T V

    Balasubramanian T V


    One of the oldest Hindu temple in Kampala. The main God is Lord Shiva. Also other God and Goddess present. The main attraction of the temple is every Saturday they perform Hanuman Salisa which gathers large number of devotees to visit the temple. All the festivals are celebrated in this temple in traditional way how it is being done in India. The God is very powerful. A must visit attraction in Kampala for Hindu travelers / tourists.

  • Pinky Mehta

    Pinky Mehta


    One of the oldest structures of Uganda. A cultural heritage in the heart of Kampala and architecture similar to the famous 'Somnath temple' of India. Various Hindu festivals celebrated with much zeal and purity at the temple..

nærmeste Hindu Temple

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