Speke Hotel i Kampala

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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UgandaSpeke Hotel



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Nile Avenue, Kimathi Avenue, Kampala, Kampala, UG Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 41 2592214
internet side: www.spekehotel.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 0.315173, Longitude: 32.582885

kommentar 5

  • Manoj Singh

    Manoj Singh


    Amazing place with very supportive staffs. Had a very good time here.

  • Franklin Pradeepraj

    Franklin Pradeepraj


    I went on a business trip to Uganda and stayed in Speke Hotel, That was the first trip i am leaving my country, India so i was a bit nervous but the people at the hotel were kind to help me out in all the ways they can. I met few Indians working at the hotel, they were so friendly during my stay. There was an Indian restaurant and a bar attached to the hotel. Food and beer was really great !!

  • Maarten Hardonk

    Maarten Hardonk


    Great service and hospitality

  • Reuben Heydenrych

    Reuben Heydenrych


    Old style colonial hotel near the Kampala CBD, opposite the modern high-rise Sheraton and its large park. Rooms comfortable and well-furnished, with parquet floors and old-time charm, but lacking in some respects as could be expected from a hotel with this rating. For example, there are no kettles for making tea and coffee in the smaller rooms. The room in which I was had a working airconditioner (hooray!), which unfortunately had only one setting: arctic blizzard. So I resorted to wearing a warm pullover. It's either that or open the window for a breeze from outside and be exposed to traffic noise. Another disappointment: an emailed confirmation of booking was apparently lost: upon arrival, we were informed we were not booked.

  • en

    Adrienne Shade


    There are bed bugs!!! The hotel looks like, but besides that the management is terrible and rude. Here are a few things that happened while I was staying there: 1. It is not actually "fully serviced" as they do not include dish washing without a surcharge of $150/month (for the record, you could higher a full time maid for less than that). Even after I paid the $150, the maid never washed my dishes. 2. The A/C was broken when I moved in, it was blowing air, but not getting cold. The manager came to check and told me "It's not broken, it just wont get cold." 3. My neighbor had cash stolen out of her safe. 4. My friend who was staying there had to move apartments, she told the manger she would move after she got home from work. The management moved all of her stuff during the day without asking. 5. On several occasions I saw one of the managers yelling at guests.

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