Sunset Entebbe i Entebbe

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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UgandaSunset Entebbe


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25, Church Road, Entebbe, Wakiso, UG Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 776 323501
internet side:
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Latitude: 0.0516599, Longitude: 32.4650784

kommentar 5

  • Harry Clifford

    Harry Clifford


    Super fast Internet

  • Muyunga Vincent

    Muyunga Vincent


    It is the best quite place with maximum care ever given to someone (indeed a home away from home)

  • Benedict Walubengo

    Benedict Walubengo


    Located along Church Road. This is a little hidden place that is quite good. The airport is not very far off from the hotel, same with social amenities. The hotel is also located in a quiet place with almost no noise. The price is pocket friendly for anyone and food you can try it in-house or explore various food spots around Entebbe. Sunset Entebbe is definitely worth a visit.

  • en

    Wangwa Simonpeter


    It's a very quiet and cool place to stay, more of a home. I love the food the art that was used inside the rooms and the always happy staff to receive you

  • en

    Todd Bailey


    Room was clean and comfortable. Nice to also have a fan unfortunately tv didn't have a remote and buttons on side wouldn't work. Breakfast was very good. Dinner on the other hand was not up to par, ordered a hamburger and got what looked like a slice of toast beef on a bun with soggy lettuce and veggies. Guy at the front desk was helpful to arrange a ride or tell us how to get to places within walking distance.

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