Surjios Guesthouse & Pizzeria i Jinja

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UgandaSurjios Guesthouse & Pizzeria



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24, Kisinja Road, Jinja, Jinja, UG Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 772 500400
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Latitude: 0.4168394, Longitude: 33.2054569

kommentar 5

  • hitesh sedani

    hitesh sedani


    On shores ofake Victoria good coffee known pizza place

  • Dr Conor Ward

    Dr Conor Ward


    One of the best places my fiancée and I stayed in Uganda! The ambiance of the guesthouse was restorative, the food was great and they went all out to ensure there were options for vegans (going so far to prepare Indian food on request). The owner is a master carpenter so the guesthouse is filled with quality, authentic furniture made by his own hand. They went out of their way to advise us on our ongoing trip and were fountains of knowledge! Above and beyond service. We will definitely be back 😊

  • David Barnes

    David Barnes


    Surjios was a refreshing oasis!The lush grounds were alive with flowers and green plants and shade trees.The view from my balcony room of the Nile River was stunning.The service and food was amazing especially the pancakes at breakfast. Truly an amazing place and Surjio was a gracious host.Thank you Surj and staff!

  • Gladys Nakalema

    Gladys Nakalema


    Very hospitable. I was there with my family and they were so kind to my very active brood. Loved the fact that the kids could swim and use the garden. It would have been great if the kids could watch TV in their rooms. Otherwise I loved it

  • John Cleverley

    John Cleverley


    Pretty good pizza and very friendly and hospitable owners. One order was a a bit late and so we were given free garlic bread. Really enjoy the food and a good ambience. Food can take a little time, but relatively quick for Uganda.

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