Tick Hotel i Kampala

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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UgandaTick Hotel


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Bombo Road, Kampala, Kampala, UG Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 703 800130
internet side: tickhotel.co.ug
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Latitude: 0.3297781, Longitude: 32.5740512

kommentar 5

  • Mukasa Davidy

    Mukasa Davidy


    The in-house restaurant staff is very accommodating and nice. A breath of fresh air to most places we have been. Reception and all service staff were very helpful and cordial. Rooms have balconies and a great view of the wide area, the town, and sunrise- magnificent. Food is scrumptiously prepared for dinner and breakfast is perfect. Especially liked the reasonable price on every dish. From check in to check out, the staff is fantastic. At check you will receive great information on local other restaurants and things happening in town for the week. The outside aisle services are great for food and drinks. You use this almost every day for lunch. The flora in the compound is fantastic as well. You will definitely prepare a bigger vacation here. To me, I will surely go there again and suggest everyone to give it a visit.

  • Nsanze Jimmy

    Nsanze Jimmy


    Its just on the main road which makes transport easy

  • Deejay Richy

    Deejay Richy


    Your number one choice

  • Elizabeth Mugumya

    Elizabeth Mugumya


    A beautiful place.

  • Felix Nartey

    Felix Nartey


    A great place to lodge while in Kampala. Staff are friendly and very easy to approach and very helpful. Each food i tried on the menu was really great.

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