Town View Hotel Mubende i Mubende

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UgandaTown View Hotel Mubende



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Ndahura Road, Mubende, Mubende, UG Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 702 317154
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Latitude: 0.554008, Longitude: 31.3874363

kommentar 5

  • Semanda John Bosco

    Semanda John Bosco


    Great place to stay

  • allan paul

    allan paul


    Away from the noise of the town center,located at a vantage point where one can view the entire town and surrounding hills, scenic

  • Tom Mwesigwa

    Tom Mwesigwa


    Beautiful and strategically suited on the best location to have a wide ad clear view of Mubende town

  • Richard Ekeu

    Richard Ekeu


    Situated up the hill which gives a magnificent view of the other part of Mubende town. Accommodation prices are realistic though the food needs improvement. Quiet place to be to get the noise of the city or town off ones head.

  • John Wesley CW Matovu

    John Wesley CW Matovu


    It's a relatively nice hotel, one of the best hotels around Mubende town probably 3rd best. It's about 5 minutes from Mubende town up the hill. It has the best view around Mubende town. You have a view of all Mubende town. The rooms are basic with an old setting. The staff are pretty good and it a bit quiet far from town noise.

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