Tropical Bank Uganda - Main Branch i Kampala

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UgandaTropical Bank Uganda - Main Branch



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Pilkington Road, Kampala, Kampala, UG Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 41 4313111
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Latitude: 0.3141197, Longitude: 32.5822945

kommentar 5

  • Semugoma Yosamu

    Semugoma Yosamu


    Am a Tropical Bank Customer. A Loyal one. Been there nearly 20 years. But though I have kept on, I am still not satisfied with their services. Poor show

  • Moses Adams

    Moses Adams


    Did you know that Tropical Bank's Vision is To be the premier provider of financial services in Africa. Mission To provide excellent financial services through a well trained and motivated personnel to enhance stakeholder value while contributing to social progress in Africa. Incorporation It was established in 1973 under the name Libyan Arab Uganda Bank for Foreign Trade and Development Ownership Tropical Bank Limited is jointly owned by the Governments of the Republic of Uganda 0.01% and the Libyan Foreign Bank (LFB) 99.99% of Paid-up Capital. Reasons for Existence To provide professional and personalized commercial banking services to various sectors of the economy including financial support to Parastatals, Corporates, Small and Medium Enterprises, Individuals, and Non-Governmental Organisations Change of Name In 1994, the bank’s name was changed from Libyan Arab Uganda Bank for Foreign Trade and Development to Tropical Africa Limited and in May 2006, it was changed to Tropical Bank Limited

  • Jim Kato

    Jim Kato


    Tropical bank is one of the old banking hall in kampala. Nothing has with the bank its self and has limited branches in the country. The main branch becomes congested mostly after holidays when most students are going back to school. The bank is just besides post office.

  • Kato jim

    Kato jim


    It has been there for some years now and its over 10yrs in existence and still moving on well.

  • Olivia Kwagala

    Olivia Kwagala


    It offers a nice banking experience. However, during back to school periods, it normally has long lines for students and parents banking school fees.

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