Tuzza Hotel, Bushenyi i Bushenyi

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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UgandaTuzza Hotel, Bushenyi


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Liberation Road, Bushenyi, Bushenyi, UG Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 783 769355
internet side: www.tuzzahotel.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -0.5367822, Longitude: 30.1971354

kommentar 5

  • S A

    S A


    Exceptional family holiday at Tuzza! Our delightful 4-day Christmas break was adorned with tranquility, lush greenery, and vast spaces for the little ones to frolic. Impeccable service, prompt assistance, and an overall restful experience. The beds were a haven of comfort, and the rooms, spotlessly clean. Only minor tweak needed: the hot water, which tended to extremes. Fine-tuning this would ensure a perfect balance for the safety of our little ones. Despite this, Tuzza remains a haven for a rejuvenating getaway.

  • ddegeya joseph

    ddegeya joseph


    The environment is green and picturesque with a beautiful man-made lake for a perfect photoshoot.

  • Asiimwe Apollo

    Asiimwe Apollo


    Lovely place for a weekend gate away. Few tourism activities nearby

  • Saurabh Jain

    Saurabh Jain


    The new wing is good and very spacious. They have to work on their reception and food.

  • Ahebwa William

    Ahebwa William


    Overall good service, quiet and calm environment with beautiful scenery. I like the point that they even specify the time it will take you order to be ready

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