Wonder World Amusement Park i Kampala

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UgandaWonder World Amusement Park



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Nanganda, Kampala, Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 702 694727
internet side: www.wonderworldpark.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 0.2837993, Longitude: 32.606195

kommentar 5

  • Galiwango John

    Galiwango John


    Wonder World it's currently owned by the International University of East Africa. Its was a kids play ground and still people come to this place with there friends and family for Events and also Watoto Church is here.

  • Alpha Josh

    Alpha Josh


    Wonder world is the state of the art on its own, where your find various fun facilities like pirate's ark swing boat, two medium swimming pools with tall slides. It has well coloured atmosphere for kids' fun, not only kids but also teenagers. It also has a self contained modern auditorium for conferences, cinema shows and bra, you don't want to being there.

  • Arthur Batwala

    Arthur Batwala


    One stop centre with a beautiful hall, college, amusement park for kids and adults, wonder cafe.

  • yam spares

    yam spares


    Its basically for kids with different rides and fun items, lots of rides and children will enjoy it. The staff is limited so you have to care about your kids wearing the belts while rides. I have heard that the owner got all rides in form of aid for African kids by a foreign amusement park for free, but here this man is making money out of it. Anyways rumors have no legs.

  • Charles Olivera

    Charles Olivera


    Lindo lugar. Necesita una pintura nueva

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