Yellow Haven Lodge i Kampala

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UgandaYellow Haven Lodge



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Lake Victoria Close, Kampala, Kampala, UG Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 777 609947
internet side:
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Latitude: 0.2711436, Longitude: 32.6352195

kommentar 5

  • Joseph Matheri

    Joseph Matheri


    I went for lunch with my wife. Best Bolognese in Uganda! Western dishes and desserts were delicious . Coffee and tea were excellent. Ensure you’re not too hungry- Food takes quite sometime to get ready. Excellent service with kind waitresses. The garden was quiet and serene. Transport to and from Kampala is tricky; uber drivers are unreliable and we ended up being on traffic jam for three hours and costed double the originally estimated price.

  • Neha Mishra

    Neha Mishra


    Located at the bank of lake Victoria, Yellow Haven is a nice quiet place to get laid back during weekends, if you don’t like crowded noisy places then this is the place you must visit. With a upfront view of lake Victoria, one can spend hours here without even realising the time. We visited this place on Sunday & it was so quiet and peaceful place that caught our immediate attention. We spent almost 4hours watching the natural scenery and different species of birds. The staffs are courteous and the food menu is also good.

  • Joshua Present (Lost0in0Seoul)

    Joshua Present (Lost0in0Seoul)


    Amazing spot to have lunch by the lake. Beautiful views, cold beers, and great western food menu. You won’t find a more natural beautiful view of Lake Victoria than from Yellow Haven Lodge. Recommend to get a day pass for the pool and take a swim before or after your meal!

  • Erika Hoelzle

    Erika Hoelzle


    The best way to start your day... watching the birds while enjoying a nice cup of tea or coffee after a early morning swim. I always enjoy the peaceful and calming atmosphere here, its a great contrast to crazy Kampala. Grace and also the other staff are very welcoming and will take great care of you. It's my happy place💛

  • Chantal Mirembe

    Chantal Mirembe


    Such a beautiful place to go and unwind. So calm and relaxing it's a must try if you are around bunga. The food was delicious but the service is a bit lacking as there is only one person serving everyone so if you want something urgently you have to go to them. There is also a swimming pool for those interested in that. Had the pork ribs and fries and the meat on the ribs was so soft and well seasoned.

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