All Friends Grill Bar and Restaurant i Jinja

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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UgandaAll Friends Grill Bar and Restaurant



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6, Jackson Avenue, Jinja, Jinja, UG Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 772 984821
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Latitude: 0.435599, Longitude: 33.1995631

kommentar 5

  • Reuben Robert

    Reuben Robert


    This is one of those places where you can choose your eyes, blindly point at the menu, and you'll find something delicious beneath your fingertip... No kidding! Be warned, the food takes literally forever to arrive... But trust me when I say that it'll be worth the wait. The food is freshly made. If you want to try African cuisine, start with their chicken stew - an absolute delight! The staff are busy, but always friendly. The beers are cold. And at nights, they turn up the music. You'll love this place!

  • David Lukoma

    David Lukoma


    The atmosphere was welcoming since it was a cold day , food usually take 10-15 mins , service is quite prompt and attentive , I'd definitely come back when in Jinja. It's worth a visit

  • Catherine Komugisha

    Catherine Komugisha


    It’s a very simple and cozy place. I liked it. It’s quiet and has good food. 4 stars because for that amazing food, you will wait for 40 days and nights😭

  • Bekhie Mulungi

    Bekhie Mulungi


    The fish here is pretty amazing but the service is super slow. To the point that you have to call ahead to place your order. I kid you not. But the food is amazing.

  • Nampa Patience

    Nampa Patience


    It has a nice relaxing environment and great tasty and yummy food. Very nice staff. The only shortfall is the time taken to bring g an ordered for meal. Close to two hours plus. Best if one pre-orders before arriving at the venue

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