Big Chef Restaurant i Mbarara

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UgandaBig Chef Restaurant



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Kyamugolani Road, Mbarara, Mbarara, UG Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 788 288084
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Latitude: -0.5998064, Longitude: 30.6516645

kommentar 5

  • Joseph Magoola

    Joseph Magoola


    First of three hangouts I visited today, and it set the tone for the evening!! We all went for the ribs and fries, while someone else opted for the fish fingers. And the food was beyonf put expectations for an upcountry joint! Soft honey glazed and juicy ribs, and a memorable Long island cocktail that knocked me out faster than anticipated. For a meal of three, we spend a humble 120k, which was amazing!!! Would definitely be back for more!!!

  • Banabas Mugabi

    Banabas Mugabi


    Lunch was great! Very big portions and really tasty food. While it's true they take their time bringing the orders if you are not in a hurry it's just fine.

  • Daniel Arinda

    Daniel Arinda


    One of the best restaurants in Mbarara. It has ambiance and the chef is top notch. I love their fish and potato wedges, they make it with passion. If you want to have a taste of a unique dish in Mbarara, go there and you will thank me later.




    Terribly disappointing. Food took more than 2 hours and we were starving, and a nearby table was complaining too. African spiced tea had cheap supermarket spices poured in the tea and tasted horrible, the meat, fish fillet too tasted horrible. Matooke was white and young, pork tasted like beef. Plantains tasted great. Atmosphere was good. Seats are wooden and basic. No complaints about that. Parking was haphazard, but enough to maneuver around and get out of you had a guide. My biggest disappointment is on delayed food, and when it it finally comes, horrible. The staff are gentle and kind.

  • Abenaitwe Bruce

    Abenaitwe Bruce


    The food is good and the service is good too. I loved the experience here.

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