Galt FoodMart Restaurant - Mbarara i Mbarara

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UgandaGalt FoodMart Restaurant - Mbarara



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Boma A, Mbarara, Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 755 388532
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Latitude: -0.6080075, Longitude: 30.6602441

kommentar 5

  • Bwambale Joackim

    Bwambale Joackim


    The place is epic yet in the heart of the city

  • Joan Praise

    Joan Praise


    Nice and cozy with very tasty food. 👍

  • Don Edwardz

    Don Edwardz


    I should say wow....its a class of its own. With all the customer care and fabulous and eye catching structures Food Mart was designed in you just dont have to skip it if you are looking for a classy restauant in mbarara for a dinner or any special occassion that will stand for a lifetime. The menu is endless with nice and delicious foods that are unique and classy. I hope i wont write a full book.

  • Kyigabiirwe Ivy

    Kyigabiirwe Ivy


    I was really impressed by Food Mart Restaurant Mbarara. Great service, great food, great portions, very clean bathrooms. It's really amazing. The vanilla ice cream was also great. Located in Mbarara town, u need to visit this place.

  • Patrick Agumenaitwe (Gumapato)

    Patrick Agumenaitwe (Gumapato)


    This place is found in the center of town near Stanbic bank. It has one of the best menus in town and so far the best customer care I have encountered in Mbarara eating places. The workers there are so welcoming and their dishes come with a professional touch. Very clean and nice place.

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