Cadam Enterprises i Kampala

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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UgandaCadam Enterprises


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P.O.Box 27627, Kampala, Naguru Road, Kampala, Kampala, UG Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 41 4340437
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Latitude: 0.3314509, Longitude: 32.6039868

kommentar 5

  • Damali Evelyne

    Damali Evelyne


    Good service and welcoming atmosphere

  • Erigu Joel

    Erigu Joel


    Beforward cadam Enterprises offer best services in Uganda the few clients who keep on complaining like mr Billy are one of the first time importers who are impatient of waiting for the time frame we give them to have there cars get there final destination So Mr Billy you have not received the car up to know? Stop blind folding others because of your personal interests.

  • en

    Andrew Mubiru


    Great service

  • en

    musyoki musyoka


    A used car dealer and one of Be Forward's local partners in Uganda. Bonded yard where you can import a car and store at a fee while processing clearance with URA. You can trust those guys. They are good at what they do. Was once the bonded yard where #ToyotaUganda used to keep their vehicles. This forced them to have a setup that meets #toyotastandards

  • Billy Ssali

    Billy Ssali


    i take this time to raise my complaints regarding Beforward/ kampala some time they call them selves as cadam. i bought a car from these people in August 2016 and they claimed to deliver the car to mombasa by 11th October. upto now almost 4 months i haven't received the car when i visit their office in kampala, the so called manager mavin is just complicated and act unproffesional with all kinds of lame excuses so i worn any body dealing with this car online dears, its better to buy a car with them but don't give them money for delivering the car to Kampala. if i don't get my car by the end of this coming week. iam going to post this to other travel forums. i will only remove this post after receiving my car

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