Cinema Ug i Kampala

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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UgandaCinema Ug



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Bombo Road, Kampala, Kampala, UG Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 705 098317
internet side:
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Latitude: 0.328373, Longitude: 32.5738996

kommentar 5

  • Praise Asiimwe

    Praise Asiimwe


    Awesome content and updated.

  • Arnold Birimaaso

    Arnold Birimaaso


    One of the best apps so far. Kindly get for me the book ticket option.

  • Jeremie Asifiwe

    Jeremie Asifiwe


    Hello. I wish I was able to book a seat with this App, cause I use it a lot. It saves me transport. I think you are still working on the App, right? Cool. So hopefully u add the booking too. Otherwise, thank you very much for your efforts.

  • Jeremi Jas

    Jeremi Jas


    I don't know how you people did it, but you just happened to provide me with my favorite app. Before I used to google around which movies where showing in Ugandan cinemas at the time, but I could not get what I wanted. But now I just need to open the Cinema Ug app, and boom! all the info is right there on my screen. Thank you guys for remembering us movie lovers. I wish you could allow me and I join your team.

  • Mutumba Vanon

    Mutumba Vanon


    Am a fun of movies and l Always use cinema Ug to search for latest movies on market both local and international movies. Just know em loving it..keep pushing and always looking for that strength in your abilities to produce more good services thanks you

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