Ham Cinemax Ug i Kampala

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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UgandaHam Cinemax Ug



🕗 åbningstider

Plot 923, Makerere Hill Road, Kampala, Kampala, UG Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 39 2080424
internet side: hamenterprises.co.ug
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 0.327447, Longitude: 32.5708791

kommentar 5

  • Mathias Nyanzi

    Mathias Nyanzi


    A good place with good selection of movies on 3D screen though sometimes the movies are quite aged. The sound in the theatre needs to be upgraded - not sharp enough for a good movie experience

  • Joshua Opolot

    Joshua Opolot


    It was really awesome... More especially the pizza I bought for me and my girlfriend from Dinners Cafe... And just so you should know, that is one of the nice restaurants I have been to... And you should try it to... The restaurant is on the fifth floor close to where the gym is... And also they give free pizza when you buy one pizza only on Wednesday Saturday and Sunday too...

  • Michael Okot

    Michael Okot


    Great movies. And it a cozy place.

  • Habib



    The things i have done here are off the grid. So private so cool. Perfect accessibility

  • Julius Mubiru

    Julius Mubiru


    Movie was great. Customer service was okay. You get free 3D glasses that you return after the movie. Mine were okay - I had worried about them being scratched or something from continuous use, but that wasn't the case. And oh, the toilets in the basement, at the reception (box office) were exceptionally clean - kudos to whoever maintains them.

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