Classic Hotel Rwaihamba i Isunga

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UgandaClassic Hotel Rwaihamba


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Unnamed Road, Isunga, Kabarole, UG Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 0.5044476, Longitude: 30.2983611

kommentar 5

  • Nicholas Muganzi

    Nicholas Muganzi


    Nice hotel

  • aır walker

    aır walker


  • Jennifer Steeves

    Jennifer Steeves


    Best place around. !

  • Micah K

    Micah K


    Delicious Lunch in an tiny local Restaurant with goat meat, posho, matoke, karo (millet), Gnut sauce and rice. The meat sauce was so lovely today. So far my favourite place to eat at in Uganda. Please stop by and support the local people, it's worth it.

  • Svyatoslav Pashchenko

    Svyatoslav Pashchenko


    We were hard up for food after arriving late and there being no food at the tourist resorts. Luckily we found this local restaurant. It didn't have much choice (base of rice, matoke, posho with beans and goat stew as the mains). The beans were cold and the goat a bit fatty, but it did the trick and nobody got sick in the 2 days following, which is just fine.

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