Crater Safari Lodge i Kibale Forest National Park

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UgandaCrater Safari Lodge


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Off St. Barnabus Road, Muyenga، Kibale Forest National Park، Uganda
kontakter telefon: +39 327 046 1699
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Latitude: 0.5096727, Longitude: 30.3275889

kommentar 5

  • simone mattiussi

    simone mattiussi


    Awful experience. The lodge is very old, not renewed for long time, rooms are not clean and the lodges are falling apart. Big cracks on the walls, you can literally see through them. Furniture is broken. We requested an upgrade because the rooms we booked along the swimming pool were hosting colonies of ants. Even after the upgrade, the situation did not change. Swimming pool is old and dirty, very poor maintenance of the whole lodge, pretty dirty. Low quality lodge for a crazy high price. Many other options with better quality and price in the same area. Don’t be fooled by the positive comments, apparently are fake.

  • Melis Kocatepe

    Melis Kocatepe


    Please read this before booking . It is a total lie that you see in the pictures online. Even the the view is amazing the stay was a total disappointment. The rooms are worse then a 1 star hotel…, the law quality , zero maintenance it makes your experience worse. When we went there we leaned that thr owner lives in UK the good comment written here are fake and written by her friends… after we complained about the room they moved us the best room they have but also there was nothing better than others. The price is so high, please do not waste your money and choose somewhere else..

  • Vassia Renieri

    Vassia Renieri


    Crater Safari Lodge is a perfectly located lodge, with a magical view of one of many crater lakes of the area of Kibale. The staff is extremely polite and welcoming, always available to answer our questions and help with everything that came up during our stay. All in all we had a great stay and we totally recommend it to everyone who wants to visit Kibale national park 😊

  • Laura Copa

    Laura Copa


    We had a great stay at Crater Safari Lodge! It is in such a beautiful location and the staff were so wonderful and welcoming. The staff even surprised us with a special candlelit dinner! Highly recommend this lodge.

  • Bhakti Patel

    Bhakti Patel


    I would say no value for money. we were there for 2 nights on Labor day weekend. USD150 per person per night and we don't get good service & food then one can get disappointed. Chef was not good, food was OK. Needs lot of improvement on Hygiene side and staff training. i felt they were trying to do cost cutting so very less staff, No umbrellas in room as in Uganda we expect rains anytime. Ambiance is OK. Location is good and lake adds on the beauty of lodge. Lodge location is very good, they can do well if they change chef or give the current chef training and increase well trained staff. All the best !

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