Isunga Lodge i Fort Portal

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UgandaIsunga Lodge



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Kibale National Park, Fort Portal, Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 776 837445
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Latitude: 0.4691168, Longitude: 30.3210801

kommentar 5

  • Ryan Williams

    Ryan Williams


    Amazing location with high level service. Gerard and Karen(the owners) are always there to say hello and their staff are very good. We really enjoyed the community walk also with Henry who’s from the nearby village so is incredibly knowledgeable

  • shannon berkley

    shannon berkley


    What a total gem! Location is fantastic- only a 30 minute drive to the starting point of chimp trekking. The views are amazing and there are a ton of great chill out areas on the deck. The grounds are beautiful with a ton of beautiful flowers and birds. The food was my favorite out of 7 lodges i stayed in during our trip to Uganda. The room was great and the bathroom was super clean and had a great shower. However, the highlight of our visit was the staff. They could not have been more accommodating or helpful - especially Brian! We were really grateful that they cleaned our shoes after our chimp trek. My only criticism is that the pool area could use some love. Just a heads up to those with any sort of physical limitations - the main lodge is down a steep path. Then the rooms are down another long-ish, steep path and stairs. I struggled a bit with my bad knee.

  • Simone Muyingo Christensen

    Simone Muyingo Christensen


    We just had an amazing stay at Isunga Lodge! The views are stunning in all directions, the family cottage was lovely and the food and coffee was the best we have had in Uganda during this trip. The staff made sure we were comfortable at all times, Lucy and Jennifer were very patient with our 5 year old and even helped rock our other small baby to sleep while we would enjoy our food. The staff helped arrange walks at Bigodi Swamp and around the crater lakes with community guide James, who made sure that both the 5 year old and her grandmother had a really good time. I am not sure how many kids come to stay at Isunga Lodge, but perhaps a small thing to consider, could be a more ‘child friendly’ option for the dinner menu - but perhaps it’s just our kid that’s a bit picky. Hands down, Isunga lodge is one of the best places we have stayed at in Uganda and will definitely be back!

  • Wilfried Mayer

    Wilfried Mayer


    Best lodge we stayed in while in Uganda! Nice and spacious rooms. Stunning view. Delicious food. Helpful staff.

  • LY LV

    LY LV


    One of the best lodges in our Uganda trip, super nice personal, specially the owners, BEST FOOD and incredible views. We saw more different types of birds at the Lodge than at the park

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