Dich Comfort Hotel i Gulu

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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UgandaDich Comfort Hotel



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P. O.Box 115, Magdelena Alum Lane, Gulu, Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 779 541226
internet side: dich-comfort-hotel.business.site
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Latitude: 2.7733999, Longitude: 32.287355

kommentar 5

  • Emmanuel Lagu

    Emmanuel Lagu


    Rooms are clean at affordable rates but the chair needs to be replaced. Breakfast was not to my taste. In case of power cut there is a standby generator.

  • Yoann Fol

    Yoann Fol


    WORST EXPERIENCE AFTER A YEAR IN EAST AFRICA The director particularly is to blame. No electricity, no internet, no hot water and not able to give a proper solution or to offer a solution. So whether you stay in their premiumhotel (this one) or the university branch a bit further, please avoid this hotel. No ethic, responsibiltiy and service. Worst than that he is exposing his staff, making them personally pay for transport between their 2 locations to try to solve the problem (The manager and receptionist tried to do their best in vain). It is overpriced and not really in the city. Not much effort is done to provide a great experience in this location... But seriously, the director is just killing this business, being an old greedy man, not providing solutions after I asked for 7 hours how do we do for the internet and electricity access.

  • Kenneth Mwebembezi

    Kenneth Mwebembezi


    - Very Clean rooms - comfy beddings - wi-fi that actually works through a stormy and loadshed night. -quiet setting -close to city centre -friendly and helpful staff (again, even when checking in on a stormy night. - Warm water and AC that actually work and not an advertising fad. - All for a price below $20

  • Irene Gonza

    Irene Gonza


    The cooling system was ok but d catering services very poor i slept hungry n no breakfast reason being that no power n no gas! Poor management! Really no reserve cylinder for gas? R they not aware of circumstances sorounding their area? They should make customers comfortable at all costs. If i leave town n go deep inside it should be worth it

  • Otto Spalt

    Otto Spalt


    I was here for 4 weeks. And very satifice with service and comfort from hotel. It is some back street place with aria from trational round houses from peoples she live around this hotel claim. The offerts of breakfast is difference about the week. But mostly crumble eggs, beans mais backed plate. You can choice bananas. You get always one glas of fresh juice. Coffee powder or tea' marmelade, honey. It give service to bring this meal on rooms too. The rooms have all aircondition, warm water with boiled system. One negative point is hotel TV offert. Only one channel. This will change about reception. Because the parabowle signal will not share for all own hotel rooms. A case of not installed a devises. It give free WIFI too, but this is not 24 hours. But this not available on the bad phone network. She have small garden with tabels and chears. In July it gave nice butterfly to see. She have laundry system too. The time on clean is pentment from weather. It will dry in back space of garden. The rooms will daily clean up. Singel rooms have fun Built-in wardrobe with anteroom to the washroom and toilet. It give car parking place for 5-6 cars. A building to make workshops or meeting. In case of power securit she a emergence lampe. She have a hotel phone intercom... I hope my dispription was helpfull. Jan Mueller from Berlin.

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