Dominique Bakery & Cafe i Jinja

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UgandaDominique Bakery & Cafe



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51, Main Street, Jinja, Jinja, UG Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 702 464642
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Latitude: 0.4302055, Longitude: 33.210017

kommentar 5

  • Mateus Martins Frasnelli

    Mateus Martins Frasnelli


    The food is good, even though the place could be cleaner The service is not that fast, but that's cultural here

  • Ikomera Racheal

    Ikomera Racheal


    Amazing ice-cream with delicious pastries served by hospitable staff. The place has a great location and nice ambient to sit and relax while you enjoy your meal.

  • Eliza Mae Lundberg (Eliza Mae Lundberg)

    Eliza Mae Lundberg (Eliza Mae Lundberg)


    I had a muffin, something like a chocolate/fudge cake pop, and got a box of coconut-orange cookies to go... all yummy! A treat to find a bathroom with a toilet seat, haha! Friendly service

  • Rodney Mike

    Rodney Mike


    As the name would imply, this establishment serves freshly baked bites like bread, cookies, cakes among other wheat based products with an accompaniment of tea, coffee, sugarcane juice......great place to unwind while surfing the net and sipping coffee.

  • Charlotte Beauvoisin (Diary of a Muzungu)

    Charlotte Beauvoisin (Diary of a Muzungu)


    Friendly staff who both smiled and gave me good information on cakes and coffee. Cappuccino double is 8,000, not too badly priced. They pride themselves on fresh cakes and I was delighted the cake I bought was still warm from the oven. They called it a brownie but it's not; it's a chocolate and strawberry marble cake, a kind of sponge. (Chocolate brownies are thick and heavy with chocolate). The bakery has a wide selection of breads and cakes, all white bread as far as I could see. Ugandan style, some Indian style. Lots of garish (crazy coloured) birthday cakes too! No customers on a Sunday at 1:00 p.m. just the owner and family. Big spacious place. Free wi-fi. #EastAfricatraveldirectory #foodie #diaryofamuzungu #ExploreUganda

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