The Yellow Chilly - Multicuisine Restaurant i Jinja

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UgandaThe Yellow Chilly - Multicuisine Restaurant



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54b, Kiira Road, Jinja, Jinja, UG Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 750 655683
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Latitude: 0.4411751, Longitude: 33.1983856

kommentar 5

  • Brigawa SBK

    Brigawa SBK


    Elegant and nice place with great decor and great customer service m, assorted Indian cuisine, seafood and lots of drinks. Clean ambiance, kids play area, great waitresses. The down side is that they don’t take American Express cards for payment apart from visa so for any American visiting should either have visa or cash.

  • Joseph Agali

    Joseph Agali


    They are expert when it comes to food. The best place to be when in Jinja. The cool music, the begging service that is born to please the customers. Always, there is space and a heart to experience the world in The Yellow Chilly.

  • Arun Jayaprakash

    Arun Jayaprakash


    This place serves delicious Indian and Chinese food and is located close to the Source of the Nile. We stopped by for lunch and really enjoyed our time here. We ordered Schezwan Fried Noodles, Chicken Fried Rice, Naan and Paneer Masala and everything tasted good. The wait staff are very courteous, friendly and attentive. They also have clean toilets. There are limited parking slots out front.

  • Dr. Milka

    Dr. Milka


    A one stop place for authentic Indian and Chinese cuisine. I tried Gobi Manchurian dry just to test, it was just awesome, a big hug to the chef, this is the best I've ever eaten in Ug. All other dishes are sumptuous. Try it out you wudnt regret. This is the one and only restaurant you will find in Jinja town or the whole of Busoga region where you can enjoy sweet and savory Indian and Chinese cuisine.

  • Ham Kakembo

    Ham Kakembo


    Food was as good as the reviews had said. We were not disappointed at all. Portions good, food was tasty and the pricing very fair. Only tiny glitch: Yes it is good to have waiters easily available but you almost feel like they are over bearing and watching your every bite! They shouldn't be too many on the floor!! Otherwise I would recommend Yellow Chilly to anyone for a good meal!

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