Dr. Agarwal's Eye Hospital, Kampala, Uganda i Kampala

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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UgandaDr. Agarwal's Eye Hospital, Kampala, Uganda



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Lumumba Avenue, Kampala, Kampala, UG Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 755 007582
internet side: www.dragarwal.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 0.3242351, Longitude: 32.5755545

kommentar 5

  • Joseph Kimera

    Joseph Kimera


    I am very happy now because I done surgery here. before I not seen well now I feeling very good after the surgery. Thank you Dr.agarwals

  • delilah namaganda waiswa

    delilah namaganda waiswa


    Indeed eyes like new. My husband had a terrible infection and hadn't it been for Dr agarwals eye hospital, i believe he would be blind. Thank you Dr agarwals for the love, care and professionalism you showed my husband and still doing so. Blessings only🙏

  • mutesi carol

    mutesi carol


    Dr.Agarwal's Eye Hospital is the right place to go for your eyes. Their service is excellent and fast, I appreciate their kind and efficient service. I will continue to recommend your service to others.

  • Safina Ssemambo

    Safina Ssemambo


    Brilliant doctor'z you have there. My husband alwayz gets the best services. Keep up the excellent work👌

  • Mbabazi Irene

    Mbabazi Irene


    I had the best experience with their kampala branch from the reception to the doctor the services rendered are first class .Its the best eye hospital in Uganda you can count on them for best eye services . Thanks to management

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