Ebenezer Ltd Clinical Laboratory i Kampala

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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UgandaEbenezer Ltd Clinical Laboratory



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P.o.Box 22096, Bombo Road, Kampala, Kampala, UG Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 41 4342255
internet side: ebenezerlab.co.ug
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 0.3196586, Longitude: 32.5741464

kommentar 5

  • Sperito Mulumba

    Sperito Mulumba


    It takes long to receive the results.. due to time, u leave behind your email so they are sent but it takes a week without recieving them even when you keep calling and reminding them...they will always say sorry.. sorry.. whenever you call but with negative actions... until you have to travel back from wherever u're for your results. Their services aren't satisfactory at all especially when it comes to results.

  • Rukisa Kisaakye

    Rukisa Kisaakye


    You dont want to come to this place with a patient but unfortunately the only time we get to visit laboratories is when we are sick. Last 2 weeks been visiting this place in regards to my mother's cytology results. The prices are a bit high, the ladies working at the reception are not so pleasant in that they don't make the customer feel valued. However, they provide quality results that can be trusted by doctors/professionals that's why they are recommended but they are also quick with the results so I recommend them.

  • dapheen



    Very easy to find, cheaper than other laboratories and good service given. It’s very good for lab services

  • Martha Nabadda

    Martha Nabadda


    Busy place, plan on having to wait a considerable amount of time before being attended to. Otherwise, affordable and wide range of laboratory tests available

  • Martha A

    Martha A


    Thier lab results can be trusted. However they are so slow in delivering them especially the lady at the results area, results are availed to you after 30 mins of presenting your receipt. Omg. Then even when you tell them to send results that have a turn around time of 5 hours to you by email, you have to call several times to remind them after the 5 hours , and each time you talk to a new person, it's like they were not aware and finally results are sent by email after a day yet u come from far and urgently need them.

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