Glaciers Bar & Restaurant i Kampala

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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UgandaGlaciers Bar & Restaurant



🕗 åbningstider

83, Bukoto Street, Kampala, Kampala, UG Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 702 080193
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Latitude: 0.3414972, Longitude: 32.5900137

kommentar 5

  • Bridget A. Purity

    Bridget A. Purity


    It's a great place to hang out quiet and it's convenient t The customer service is good, and timely I love it

  • Albert Jayson Akampurira

    Albert Jayson Akampurira


    It's quite hard to reach, series of stairs and doest have professional service.. but has good prices and moderate sitting

  • alex ajuna

    alex ajuna


    Good menu, good muchomo, and happy hour.

  • Humphrey Kobel

    Humphrey Kobel


    A place to eat cheap local food in Bukoto. Variety will be about 3 to 5 options of Ugandan dishes, at the top most floor of the building.

  • Sal Timothy

    Sal Timothy


    Well it was really small and very inactive the time I was there. I was more disappointed by that fact. Despite the fun I had meeting new people. The food is not for stars, the ambiance is basic, they lacked certain drinks from their bar that I expect all bars to have. Definitely not a place for kids. It was a rock night when I was there on Thursday and that's definitely the only good part about the place, a good selection of music. Not a very casual place to take your significant other. Definitely a three star bar and restaurant.

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