Kekez Crispy Dine i Mbarara

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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UgandaKekez Crispy Dine



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Bishop Willis Road, Mbarara, Mbarara, UG Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 778 003743
internet side:
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Latitude: -0.6056939, Longitude: 30.6636759

kommentar 5

  • Bona Rutz

    Bona Rutz


    Samosas were nice and crispy, tea was nice too

  • Marriam Karungi

    Marriam Karungi


    Best place to be , please never bye pass it when in mbarara,the chips ,pilau was just so delicious and the chicken said it all I tasted most of all their food items because we went as a group chipsfish chapati and kebab so tasty You ought not to miss. Best timely customers service offered Nakato. Racheal

  • Deathly Hallow

    Deathly Hallow


    They used to have great fish (the only reason I went there) but over the past couple of months, the service has been lackluster to say the least! They started selling smaller sized fish at the same price as the previously bigger ones which is quite disappointing really. Whoever is in charge of off location (phone call) orders is terrible at providing information and if you’re purchasing a snack... say samosas (regardless of the number), they aren’t packed in the usual aluminum foil packaging EVEN if you explicitly request for it.

  • Helen Mbabazi

    Helen Mbabazi


    Quick service. Good food but the quantity of the pilao is very little. Like for a child. So when hungry ask for chips.

  • Neville Muhumuza

    Neville Muhumuza


    Nice food. Pretty much sure you have an affordable meal anytime you are in mbarara town. Mainly junk food though!

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