Kisubi Hospital i Kisubi

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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UgandaKisubi Hospital



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Nkima Road, Kisubi Entebbe, Kisubi, Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 700 541667
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Latitude: 0.1218417, Longitude: 32.5369205

kommentar 5

  • Paul Mathias

    Paul Mathias


    I went to see a specialist hospital staff tells me be here at 100pm specialist shows up at 300pm hospital staff are quite stupid and poorly trained Senior managment are no where to be found this place is a circus

  • Mukisa Charles

    Mukisa Charles


    Good reception. There's improvement on the paying counter

  • Ssentongo Dan

    Ssentongo Dan


    The maternity ward is so caring, they give excellent care to the expecting mother and after delivery, they take good care of the mother and baby until discharge. I really appreciated your services, Thank you very much.

  • Jonathan Muwonge

    Jonathan Muwonge


    I have been at this hospital 3 times and l always wonder do they pay the cashier and receptionists especially the cashier, they are so rude, the nurses are fine though but the cashiers behave like they are forced to be there. During my last visit l decided to get the name of that rude cashier and l did. Am not mentioning it but l pray that she learns how to handle people separate work from her personal affairs. Otherwise thank you God bless you

  • Pearlcrest Hospitality Training Institute

    Pearlcrest Hospitality Training Institute


    Clean environment, the staff are smart and you have first class equipment. However I have had to wait for 3 hours before getting assisted fully. The doctor scheduled me for an endoscopy at 7.30am I arrived at 7.20am between the covid Test, HIV tests I have not yet gone to theater and when I ask for how long I still need to wait, the nurses take offense. I'm very disappointed. I would say it has been slow. It's my first time.

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