Le Memorial Medical Services i Kampala

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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UgandaLe Memorial Medical Services



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Le Memorial Medical Services, Kampala, Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 772 220447
internet side: lememorial.org
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 0.2110613, Longitude: 32.561577

kommentar 5

  • Muhwezi Samuel

    Muhwezi Samuel


    Lememorial is a special hospital providing such exceptional medical services in Uganda. My mum promised to use only this because we found loving kind team of nurses and doctors from time a-z

  • Luswata Josiah (LJ WATSON)

    Luswata Josiah (LJ WATSON)


    Very advanced hospital with good doctors who are understanding and can handle anything that comes there way.

  • peter capello

    peter capello


    Oh I love the specialists at Le Memorial Medical services especially Dr. Felix Bongomin and Dr. Ddungu . These guys value time.

  • Lilshel Suzie

    Lilshel Suzie


    You guys are just awesome, I can't stop thanking you for saving my life..... You do your services with love and passion🤗🤗 I love you all please, Diana, the male receptionist who work on Friday, Saturday👏👏 I'm so proud of your hospital Dr. Dungi🥰

  • MM



    Nice, clean. Came here for a covid test. Definitely on the pricier side, but they work with Makarere University, and you take the test in a lab, rather than a parking lot like Test and Fly in Kampala. Test results were not timely, and staff were not in a hurry to get the test within 24 hours as promised. Test results were received after 48 hours.

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