The Surgery Uganda i Kampala

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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UgandaThe Surgery Uganda



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Naguru Drive, Kampala, Kampala, UG Uganda
kontakter telefon: +256 772 756003
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Latitude: 0.341169, Longitude: 32.601872

kommentar 5

  • kategaya jim

    kategaya jim


    Good service

  • Harry D.

    Harry D.


    Despite being one of the best hospitals in Kampala: if the doc only asks for money and does not even does the requested eye test, a one star rating is the only option...

  • Sandra Batte

    Sandra Batte


    Very disappointed with the services of your accounts clerk/cashier, she has the worst customer care I have come across in this country with very poor communication skills. Generally your accounts team has poor coordination skills.

  • Valentin Thoss

    Valentin Thoss


    Probably the best healthcare facility/hospital in Uganda. A mixture of local and international doctors. Plus: A nice small Endiro Café in the waiting hall

  • Aluel Cathy

    Aluel Cathy


    They have some of the best service in Kampala that I have known plus a great children’s treatment. They don’t give kids drugs unnecessarily compared to others. Thanks surgery, my children are healthy and so is the whole family

nærmeste Hospital

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